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🚀 Navigating the Transformative Landscape of DOOH Metrics 🚀

In the dynamic realm of advertising, change is the constant, but the recent surge in Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) metrics evolution has been nothing short of revolutionary. A mere few years have witnessed more transformation than the previous two decades combined. The shift from siloed DOOH purchases to seamless integration into omnichannel strategies has been a game-changer. As the industry embraces this shift, a new value proposition fueled by data and metrics emerges as the driving force.

For advertisers and publishers alike, this transition brings about exciting opportunities and intriguing challenges. After 20 years as a DOOH industry pioneer and now acting as head of ad-tech for RZK Digital, a DOOH publisher leading the way for digital transformation and pDOOH in Brazil, here are some of our learnings to contribute to this global discussion. 

The fusion of DOOH into the omnichannel strategy necessitates a fresh perspective on data analysis and measurement. The quest is to bridge the gap between the diversity of verticals and data sources among publishers, enabling an apples-to-apples comparison of metrics. At present, the use of mobile IDs from SDKs and telecom data is becoming more widespread, yet the industry stands at the cornerstone of a more profound transformation.

The journey forward unfolds in two critical phases. The first is the fulfillment of the bedrock of digital advertising: real-time metrics. This pursuit, though formidable, is non-negotiable. The second is a paradigm shift, showcasing DOOH's supremacy by circumventing cookies with location and context, as well as dodging ad-blockers and all sorts of invalid traffic. Here, privacy and transparency reigns supreme, and metrics are open books, ripe for audit.

As we gaze ahead, the trail blazes toward the symbiosis of first-party data acquired by sensors and third-party data. However, this path isn't a solitary one. While first-party metrics outshine their third-party counterparts, the revelation dawns that a solitary source of first-party metric isn't the panacea. Consider computer vision - unmatched in venue traffic analysis yet lacks the prowess to gauge dwell time or track unique visitors. Conversely, WiFi sensors excel in dwell time and unique visitor count, yet often pale against actual venue traffic, particularly when dwell times are low. The challenge deepens, encompassing interests, gender, age, and social class insights.

Thus, emerges the imperative to marry the strengths of diverse sensors and third-party data suppliers. Yet, the question lingers: how many sensors weave the narrative of truth? While real-time urgency hints at 100% network saturation, many publishers today equip only a fraction, extrapolating to paint the bigger picture.

In envisioning the future, the clarity lies not just in the data sources but also in the sensor types specific to each DOOH vertical and their coverage. A vision emerges, a grading system that defines the quality of metrics. Blank data yields a void grade, third-party venue traffic a mere footfall and a low grade, OTS a humble start towards an above average grade. The ascent is marked by multiple first-party sensors, adequate to flow direction, speed, and dwell time in tandem with third-party data. The ultimate "A" grade? A landscape where 100% network locations are embraced by multiple first party sensors that can be combined with second- and third-party data.

We stand at the nexus of transformation, where DOOH metrics and TRUST weave a story that transcends mere numbers. It's a journey fueled by innovation, insight, and the collective spirit of the industry - one that promises a landscape where metrics don't just measure but orchestrate the symphony of advertising success.

#DOOHMetrics #DataDrivenAdvertising #OmnichannelStrategy #RZKDigital #DOOHX #Wherevery #BroadSign #Quividi #4yousee #AllUnite #ABOOH


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